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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Actress Helen Mirren

Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren opens up about her passions, pet peeve and having no regrets with these interesting five facts. 

‘Hamlet’ Changed My Life

“As a teenager in London, Helen was inspired to become an actress after watching a local production of Hamlet. “I’m sure the production was terrible, but Shakespeare, the story of Hamlet … it was a thriller to me,” says the actress, 78. “I went back home, and we had this huge book of Shakespeare. I went through it looking for characters I responded to. That was what led me into wanting to become an actress.”

I Have a Pet Peeve

She’s been happily married to director Taylor Hackford for 25 years, but Helen admits she “didn’t like him at all when I met him.” The reason? “He was 20 minutes late and I had a meeting and I turned up on time. I don’t like being late. He’s still not on time, and it drives me crazy!”

I Love to Sew 

“I’ve still got my mom’s treadle sewing machine that I make things on,” Helen says. “I learned a love of fabrics from [her]. I’m forever trying to make the perfect wrap skirt that you sort of just hook on and it falls perfectly.”

Helen Mirren wears white sequined gown with long sleeves / MEGA

Motherhood Was Not My Destiny 

“I kept thinking it would be, waiting for it to happen, but it never did, and I didn’t care what people thought,” says Helen, adding, “I have never had a moment of regret about not having children.”

I Embrace Aging 

“If someone said to me, ‘I’m going to wave the magic wand and you’ll be 25 again,’ I would say no I don’t want that,” Helen insists. “The reality is as you age your body changes, but you learn so much with time.”

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