Betty Prashker, Pioneering Publisher of Feminist Classics Sexual Politics and Backlash, Dies at 99

Betty Prashker, the influential publisher behind some of the most significant feminist works of the 20th century, has passed away at the age of 99. Prashker is best known for her role in bringing to the public two groundbreaking feminist classics: Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics and Susan Faludi’s Backlash.

Throughout her career, Prashker was a champion of women’s voices in literature, using her platform to publish works that challenged societal norms and advocated for gender equality. Sexual Politics, published in 1970, became a cornerstone of the feminist movement, offering a critical analysis of the patriarchy’s influence on literature and culture. More than two decades later, Backlash exposed the ongoing resistance to women’s rights in the post-feminist era.

Prashker’s vision and determination helped shape the feminist literary landscape, making her a pivotal figure in the fight for gender equality. Her legacy lives on through the powerful works she brought to light, which continue to inspire and provoke discussion to this day.

Betty Prashker’s passing marks the end of an era, but her contributions to the world of publishing and feminism will be remembered for generations to come.